Join us and let's create an impact together!
We are always on a look out to collaborate with like minded organisations, willing to journey together to create exceeding impact for this nation.
OUR MISSION is to unite Malaysia's diverse culture and proudly share this with the world. Yes, we want to share the beauty of our Malaysia out of Malaysia in various ways :)
Be a changemaker and start making a difference by stewarding our resources and skills in a a diverse group of people aspiring to grow together in building keen awareness and deep understanding with each other by bridging the Malaysian gap. With this, we strengthen our society’s progress as individuals, and as a nation. Start by filling the information below.
Our Culture
1) Embracing all our differences
We believe in inclusiveness and embracing all our differences just like 'rojak', a popular Malaysian savoury mixed fruit salad. The term is usually used as a local slang to mean ‘mixed’. It is often used to describe the multi-ethnic characters of Malaysian society.
2) Being authentic, vulnerable and accountable.
We believe as we journey together, we are authentic in our gestures when we choose to serve our nation and others around us. In our journey, we need to have a heart-check with the intentions to remember the why behind what we do. We believe in being vulnerable and open because it is strength and being accountable with one another even in any given task or projects we do.
3) Hungry learners and doers
While we are hungry for a better Malaysia, let us also be hungry for a better us. We believe that all of us have different strengths and weaknesses and we believe in helping each other grow holistically. We believe in living ready and being the best versions of ourselves and being the true thinkers and doers for our nation.
4) Being a good steward
We all have different unique gifts, skills and we're here to be great stewards be it in our ideas, time, strategies, connections towards building TRP's causes for the nation and people.
5) Honouring as our culture
We believe in honouring everyone knowing that we are all different. Having an honouring culture means that your opinion and my opinion may not be the same and it’s okay. Honouring means we don’t gossip. Honouring means when someone speaks, we listen and it means that we are accountable to them and each other.
6) Encouraging in our speech
We choose to speak life, positivity, hope, and of love and we grow by encouraging one another. It's called a community building, not community destroying.
7) Reaching out
We believe in impacting our communities starting with our country, Malaysia and to the world around us, genuinely.
8) Generous with our lives
Being generous means being willing to give of yourself in every way, including accepting and loving others, and supporting and caring for those who may be different in any way.
It's not an attitude that says "What do I get in return?"
When we give, we make sure that we give our best.
9) Progress, not perfection
The Rojak Projek journey is not about perfection, it’s about progress. We know that when it comes to culture and gathering information, we may not get everything right, so we keep growing and progressing to ensure that we need to focus forward together and ensure the foundation of knowing our country becomes better and better.
10) Finishing what we start
It doesn't matter if it's a day, 2 weeks, 3 months or a year's project, we believe in finishing what you start. Taking pauses is good, but giving up is not. We believe that helps us to grow from strength to strength and it enables us to have grit in all our journey.

Program Director | Online facilitator | Video | Social Media | Website

Program Supervisor | Online facilitator

Online facilitator

Program Supervisor | Editor

Program Supervisor | Online facilitator

Fundraiser Advisor

Social Media Advisor
THE OBJECTIVE for the youths is to lend a voice to unheard, underrepresented fellow Malaysians and increase awareness on their stories and experiences through various ways such as conducting online interviews, being an online facilitators, writing articles, video editing , website design, social media content and more!
The role of an online facilitator is to set clear goals, ground rules, and expectations during the interview sessions. They are to ensure to keep the conversation on the subject at hand and all interviews run smoothly. This can only be applied for those who has completed the interviews.

“First of all, I would like to express gratitude towards The Rojak Projek, for providing us such an amazing space and opportunity for us to learn and improve on our skills. I would also like to thank our facilitators for making sure that we stay on track during the interview sessions. I am beyond grateful to be able to share our interviewee’s stories through interviews and writing articles. It was a meaningful learning journey for us." - Yuan Theng, Bachelor of Laws

"Inspired and motivated. I believe these two words would be able to define how I felt throughout the program. Being able to be part of an experience like this, I was able to learn so much more about ethnicities and more importantly, perspectives of many others. By understanding how others thought, it gave me better understanding and realisation of how confined my world initially was." - Evelyn Chen, Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

“To the Rojak Projek, I want to thank you for all the wonderful opportunities provided to engage and learn new things. You are truly a successful initiative and I sincerely hope that The Rojak Projek can continue doing what it does best, and nurture the seeds of diversity in Malaysia." - Kang Xuen, Bachelor of Laws

"It was an eye-opening program because I got to know a lot of different cultural backgrounds through this whole journey with The Rojak Projek. It was really engaging as I had the chance to interview people from different ethnic groups as well as work with my partner cooperatively. It was a fun and memorable experience ang I gained a lot of knowledge. " - Rica, Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Food Science)

"Yes!! It was very engaging and in fact a lot of fun. I love meeting new people and talking to them so this activity was amazing for me. I got to meet new people from different backgrounds and talk to them on different topics. It was great!", Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)

"The experience I had in this program was meaningful and memorable to me. Yes, I did feel engaged, all of the interviewees and other friends that joined this group were very friendly and easy going. Yes I did have a lot of fun meeting new friends and people while talking to them and hearing their stories." - Melissa, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting and Finance

"This project is really a great initiative to bridge the Malaysian gap that we rarely emphasize and not even realizing the gap to begin with. So all I can say is please continue to have passion in conducting this type of program because it surely will open some minds even if just a little." - Mufida, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting and Finance

"Yes, it was very engaging and fun. It was daunting at first due to the seemingly large responsibilities that were given but ultimately throughout the interviews, I realized how little awareness I had of issues and different cultures within our country. I appreciated this opportunity to learn so much more than what I had initially expected, about culture and heritages as well as the issues. " - Thaqif, Bachelor of Education (Honours)

“The Rojak Projek - Thank you for believing in the small impact matters." - Jing Yu, Bachelor of Laws

"I felt ashamed at the beginning for having enough self-awareness and not being open-minded to learn new things. After this journey, I felt a sense of achievement for being able to make a difference by letting these unknown beautiful stories be heard and published on The Rojak Projek website so that everyone can have a chance to read about it and be aware of it. Yes, I felt engaged and had fun during this journey.", Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

"This project is extremely engaging if not one of the most engaging Shine projects that I have signed up to. It was fun to learn about the cultures and heritages of Malaysia and to understand what the minorities are going through in order to make others more aware of their cultures and heritages. " - Venus, Bachelor of Education (Honours)

“I would like to thank you for allowing me to join in and be a part of The Rojak Projek. I really enjoyed my time doing all the interviews and I have learnt a lot throughout the entire process, from interviewing to transcribing and writing the articles. It was one of the most meaningful and interesting programmes that I have participated in." - Evelyn, Bachelor of International Tourism Management (Honours) (Events Management)

"The Rojak Projek includes a lot of incredible activities, I was very engaged with it. I did learn new knowledge in every task and made new friends. There was fun while they shared their story. " - Zhi Xuan, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting and Finance

"I learned a lot from the program and it opened up a window on how The Rojak Projek teaches and educates other people through social media which is amazing. Learn things one at a time and if there is anything that bothers you reach out to the people in charge because they are very friendly." - Scott, Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)

"__" - Yuki, Bachelor of International Tourism Management (Honours) (Events Management)

"I definitely learn a lot about Canva, about the different templates, graphics. It helped me expand and brought out my creative side as a person. I had fun especially during the laughters we had when we had meetings. I’ve learned many things besides canva and teamwork. I learned a lot about our country Malaysia and it’s culture, especially the Sarawakians and Sabahans." - Cassandra, Bachelor of Education (Honours)

"The Rojak Projek is one of the best programs I’ve ever joined. I’ve created a lot of meaningful memories that I would always be carrying in my life. It makes me feel proud of myself as I get to make a change for my country." - Christine, Bachelor of Business (Honours)

"It was really good to feel when people actually listen to your idea and they provide their feedback on it so it looks like I’m not dying alone overthinking whether my idea would work or not! This was really reassuring my confidence on the ideas I have given. Most importantly I had fun as this TRP is always filled with laughters😜" - Gaya, Bachelor of Laws

"It was really fun working with you guys and thanks for opening up my eyes to have a different perspective of Malaysia. When this pandemic hits, I really do feel like my country is sinking indeed. However, this project helps me to realise the positive side of my country and it reminds me that, my country, is beautiful." - Qian Ying, Bachelor of Business (Honours) (International Business and Marketing)

"Huge thank you to The Rojak Projek for the all opportunities. I never expect myself to be able to learn so much in such a short period of time. Please do not hesitate to join in and contribute. It’s time for us to step out from our comfort zone and grab the opportunities to learn. These experiences meant a lot to me." - Yuan Theng, Bachelor of Laws

"The Rojak Projek has been a safe haven to encounter like-minded people and work with them in a comfortable setting, yet the best thing I received was the memories and knowledge from the journey. The amount of empowerment, support and understanding this initiative showed towards each and every individual was very heartwarming to see and it helped me gain a perspective as a Malaysian to embrace and learn about each other’s culture. " - Evelyn, Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

Norman, Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

"I enjoyed the process of this program, met many new faces and definitely learnt a lot (both in terms of editing skills and the way to do things). The Rojak Projek is really contributing a really good platform for the unheard voices. Definitely keep up with what you’re doing because there are people out there feeling thankful and appreciative towards this." - Wei Yi, Bachelor of Business (Honours) (International Business and Marketing)

"It is a lot of work but push through it, the knowledge and practical skills gained from the experience will be a 100% worth it and just remember that your contributions have impact no matter how small :)" - Snehal, Bachelor of Business (Honours)

"The Rojak Projek team has done a great job to take the initiative to mix around and collaborate with each other in ways that lend a voice to unheard. I think this is a very important first step for all the ethnic groups to understand and respect each other and to see the diversity of Malaysia. Joining TRP team is a good opportunity to sharpen your skill set and learn more about the ethnic culture of Malaysia. You won't regret taking part in this program." - KJ, Bachelor of Business (Honours)