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Join us and let's create an impact together!




We're proud to have both Malaysian in Malaysia and living abroad to participate in our adventure to serve others.

Friends of Malaysia

We're equally proud to have international youths participating in this cause. We've had youths from China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Mauritius (East Africa), Saudi Arabia and more to come to join us and grow together.



We are always on a look out to collaborate with like minded organisations, willing to journey together to create exceeding impact for this nation.


OUR MISSION is to unite Malaysia's diverse culture and proudly share this with the world. Yes, we want to share the beauty of our Malaysia out of Malaysia in various ways :)


Chup ah! We'll get back to you right after our yumcha session at the mamak! (aka 2-5 business days)


Be a changemaker and start making a difference by stewarding our resources and skills in a a diverse group of people aspiring to grow together in building keen awareness and deep understanding with each other by bridging the Malaysian gap. With this, we strengthen our society’s progress as individuals, and as a nation. Start by filling the information below.

Volunteer Application Form

Give us a hand & start making a difference

SHINE Award Logo.png
Gagasan Mahasiswa Undang-Undang Sabah.png

"It was really an eye-opening experience to me. I’ve learned how interviews should be done in a polite manner and the process of it was absolutely interesting. I am glad to say that this program is really meaningful to me. Firstly, it helped me to enhance my communication skills while conducting interviews etc. Second, it helped me to make new friends despite everything being held virtually online."

Lim Yuan Theng

Bachelor of Laws


Our Culture

1) Embracing all our differences

We believe in inclusiveness and embracing all our differences just like 'rojak', a popular Malaysian savoury mixed fruit salad. The term is usually used as a local slang to mean ‘mixed’. It is often used to describe the multi-ethnic characters of Malaysian society.


2) Being authentic, vulnerable and accountable.

We believe as we journey together, we are authentic in our gestures when we choose to serve our nation and others around us. In our journey, we need to have a heart-check with the intentions to remember the why behind what we do. We believe in being vulnerable and open because it is strength and being accountable with one another even in any given task or projects we do. 


3) Hungry learners and doers

While we are hungry for a better Malaysia, let us also be hungry for a better us. We believe that all of us have different strengths and weaknesses and we believe in helping each other grow holistically. We believe in living ready and being the best versions of ourselves and being the true thinkers and doers for our nation.


4) Being a good steward

We all have different unique gifts, skills and we're here to be great stewards be it in our ideas, time, strategies, connections towards building TRP's causes for the nation and people.

5) Honouring as our culture 

We believe in honouring everyone knowing that we are all different. Having an honouring culture means that your opinion and my opinion may not be the same and it’s okay. Honouring means we don’t gossip. Honouring means when someone speaks, we listen and it means that we are accountable to them and each other.

6) Encouraging in our speech

We choose to speak life, positivity, hope, and of love and we grow by encouraging one another. It's called a community building, not community destroying.


7) Reaching out

We believe in impacting our communities starting with our country, Malaysia and to the world around us, genuinely.


8) Generous with our lives

Being generous means being willing to give of yourself in every way, including accepting and loving others, and supporting and caring for those who may be different in any way.

It's not an attitude that says "What do I get in return?"

When we give, we make sure that we give our best.


9) Progress, not perfection

The Rojak Projek journey is not about perfection, it’s about progress. We know that when it comes to culture and gathering information, we may not get everything right, so we keep growing and progressing to ensure that we need to focus forward together and ensure the foundation of knowing our country becomes better and better.


10) Finishing what we start

It doesn't matter if it's a day, 2 weeks, 3 months or a year's project, we believe in finishing what you start. Taking pauses is good, but giving up is not. We believe that helps us to grow from strength to strength and it enables us to have grit in all our journey.

Community Leaders






THE OBJECTIVE for the youths is to lend a voice to unheard, underrepresented fellow Malaysians and increase awareness on their stories and experiences through various ways such as  conducting online interviews, being an online facilitators, writing articles, video editing , website design, social media content and more! 



Learn to grow in your leadership skills while growing in self-awareness and prioritizing personal development to better one-self to lead teams. This only applies for those who has done one of the volunteering program.

Image by krakenimages

Be an


Learn how to better communicate and conduct interviews in English or Bahasa Malaysia (online) with our selected interviewees while being able to write an article along the way.

Minimum 3 interviews.
I hour per interview.

Image by Charles Deluvio



From the interviews conducted, this team will be learning how to create good and catchy teasers and stories on video better and better. You must have basic knowledge of video editing.

Image by Matthew Kwong


  • Food

  • Culture 

Discover and document all the food cultures in Malaysia while adding value to The Rojak Projek's cause to bring awareness to each cultures we have in Malaysia.

Image by Riccardo Annandale



The role of an online facilitator is to set clear goals, ground rules, and expectations during the interview sessions. They are to ensure to keep the conversation on the subject at hand and all interviews run smoothly. This can only be applied for those who has completed the interviews.

Image by Chris Montgomery

Social Media

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Tik Tok

Learn to create strong content and be bolder with ideas, design and engage, empower and educate with the audiences to promote Malaysian culture in a unique and fun way. There will be different groups for different social platform.


Image by dole777


Refine a writer’s voice, achieve the piece’s purpose, and ensure that the audience understands the text.

Image by Mathilde Langevin

(Sabah & Sarawak

Overall process of identifying, sourcing, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing the right interviewees from Sabah and Sarawak to be involved in  #RojakStories

Image by krakenimages

"... as we face the problem of development and progress in all spheres of life in Malaysia, we must constantly bear in mind that both our present and our future depend in very large measure on the youth of our young nation."


- Tunku Abdul Rahman, 23rd May 1964

© 2023 TRP Creatives Enterprise 201903303069 (003038773-A) 

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