"In this world, there are people with national pride... And then there's Faye and Rachel, who take it to the next level.
Do you remember the Malaysia Airline Flight 370, which went missing back in 2014? Well, after that incidence, these two ladies were fed up from all the negativity & hate that their beloved country (Malaysia) was getting... So, in effort to better unify their diverse nation, they created a movement called The Rojak Projek, where they traveled to every region in Malaysia to make colorful portraits of people by using FOOD as the ART.
Over the last 3 years, they have already made 540 food portraits, and they are wrapping up on their 550th to honor Malaysia's 55th birthday coming up in a few weeks.
Faye and Rachel's story is one of the most innovative and impactful I've witnessed. They are opening so many doors for the togetherness of Malaysian people, as well as sending a positive message to the outside world -- and I'm happy that I got to experience it first hand."
- Drew Binsky (2018)
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Raja Muda of Selangor,
Tengku Amir Shah
Awesome initiative from The Rojak Projek - for a united Malaysia! (Selangor Youth Community - SAY Community)
Menteri Besar of Selangor,
YB Amirudin Shari
The Rojak Projek portraits are very interesting because they lead to the cultural diversity that makes Malaysia very unique.
Syed Azmi
The Rojak Projek: the epitome the proves a simple thing can lead to unity. Thank you for existing and stay stronger everytime.
FEMALE Magazine
"The Rojak Projek Takes Our Fave Malaysian Food To The Next Level!"
HYPE Malaysia
"The talented people at #TheRojakProjek has cleverly used M'sian food to promote unity."
Amina Hazwani
Thank you so much to each and every person behind this inspiring project! Am so lucky and proud to be part of this and lets pray and work together for better Malaysia 😊
STAR Online
Art with a true taste of Malaysian flavour.
Stephen Raj
Hey you guys. You guys just showed what it means to be Malaysians. It means unity beyond anything!!! The work and effort put will get u guys far. Keep it up. Never give up. All the best!!!
Doreen Da Costa
I love the work! And I especially love the message behind the project! I hope you are able to reach Malaysians far and wide...especially those who seem deaf and dumb to God's message (and it matters not what name you call your God) of love and unity.
Vinnitha Vennoo
To: The entire team of the rojak projek. The projek y'all created was awesome and it is surely to reach places. Thank you for the effort and time y'all had for making this possible. All the best for the upcoming surprises you have in store. May God bless each and every one of you.
With love and peace,
The Vennoo's
Karmun Ng
Thank you for showing us that our differences are indeed what makes us unique and that despite being different, we never had trouble being children who always get along of the same home country. The colours, foods and faces used in this project is truly what Malaysians are and what we're made of and seeing that put together so tangibly like this reminds me of everything I love of this beautiful country! <3
Liam Malik
Thank you guys for the love and compassion to not only me but to all the people you met. You greeted us with such hospitality that gives me hope that our country isn't dying. Thank you for pursuing what you believe is right for this country. I can only hope that I can live up to the expectations that the Rojak Project has set. That is the expectation of a United and peaceful country. Thanks for everything and please carry on ❤️
Sheldon Shampson
Heyyy, u guys are awesome. The Rojak Team has definitely brought something incredible to the table. Yes, food. But u guys also brought along the spirit of unity and harmony unto the table. Unto the table where everyone can 'rojak' in and share food, story and life to one another. This is a good start and I hope that you guys can perseverate. Somehow i feel proud of you guys. <3
Kita Malaysia
In England, they are always asking about the weather. In Malaysia, we are always asking about each other's tummy. "You makan already ah?" We are all hungry for a better Malaysia.
And The Rojak Projek has made us hungrier. We, at Kita Malaysia, would like to send our warmest gratitude to the people behind the project for portraying the unity of Malaysians through the food we share. Let us continue to make Malaysia a home where all can eat.
Kimberly Yong
Thank you, Rojak Team, for using your creativity and talent to speak out love and positivity for our beloved country. PLEASE keep up the good work, more of this kind of awesomeness pls? :D I'm so lost for words now, confirm hungry looking at all the food Lol, also hungry for a better Malaysia :)
Kavin Kumar
Thank you The Rojak Projek for all the hard work you've put in for this project. We all appreciate what you guys are doing. To sample and taste the infinite varieties of cuisine in Malaysia is to unravel the story of Malaysian culture and tradition. The appreciation for food in Malaysia extends beyond enjoying the infinite varieties of food offered by the different cultures that make up multicultural Malaysia. You guys have showed us all that through the simple, yet beautifully done pictures. Hats off ya'll :) Good luck for your future undertakings!
Yvonne Goh
Hey Projek Rojak team, thank you so much for taking the effort to pull together and showcase this project. Truly you all have succeeded in showing that our Malaysian identity is clearly seen in the variety and uniqueness in our food. And I really enjoyed how you guys used food from all culture and origins in Malaysia to paint a portrait of people.
I'm really glad and encouraged to see your enthusiasm, commitment, perseverance and passion as you guys worked through this project, and I'm sure everyone in KBM felt that they have been a part of something big as they joined in the photo sesh that Sunday. haha. bet they were glad to have their pictures taken. And just as we appreciate all these food as Malaysian food, I hope that we would be able to appreciate each other as family as well, knowing that we need each other, as much as we need Teh Tarik and Nasi Lemak.
Cant wait to see your next project!! I'm a fan now! woohoo!!
CIMB Malaysia
Dah makan? If there's one thing you can get us all Malaysians to agree on, it's that food is a huge part of our lives.
We heard about The Rojak Projek and were blown away by their brilliant idea of using food to present portraits fo different Malaysians as food unites us and gets us all excited be it at the mamak or an old stall by the side of the road. Feast your eyes on what just may be the most delicious looking portraits ever!
Afiey Ali
Dear The Rojak Projek team, thank you so much for all the hard work, commitment and positivity that all of you put into this amazing project. You guys have inspired many people out there by creating something simple yet utterly meaningful especially to fellow Malaysians.
Food has always brought Malaysians from any background together. Its something we're always proud of and love. I am blown away with all the creativity of the project and I am grateful to be a part and meet some great people in the team.
You guys are truly amazing and inspiring and I hope that there are many more projects to come. 😊
Sandie Chong
Malaysians have spoken, we love our country and the people. The diversity of our food shows how people come from different cultures comes together beautifully, we all want a better future for everyone.
Izzah Ibrahim
Hi Rojak team. Thank you korang for having me on board this inspiring and awesome projek! You people memang best and super talented lah! All the best with the future endeavours! You guys are gonna be huge! Let us all work hard and stay united for our beloved country! Malaysia boleh, Kita boleh! :D
Jeff Ng
Thanks Rojak team. Love the work and let's all strive for a better Malaysia! I am so proud to use the food painting of me on my fb. Love you guys so much. Keep it up and hope there will be more such projects to come!!!
Sun N Tan
I love Malaysia. She taught me to embrace diversity, to see beauty in different cultures, to respect one another, to keep an open mind, to rise agaisn't all odds, to radiate warmth and loving-kindness, to use several languages in one sentence, etc. Most relevant of all, she taught me to serve food spiced up with Love.
Justin Lim
We are often told to see Malaysia as a colourful country, yet we are advised to be colour blind to race and skin colour. The Rojak Projek calls this bullshit. We acknowledge the colour and we embrace it. Its all about the respect. Differences will always be there, its learning to accept them that's the lesson that needs to be taught.
Reason why I love your work is precisely this, no flowery language and blinding messages to promote pretentiousness. Your message is true. And from this badass biker, The Rojak Projek is totally f* sick. Good job to the team.
Also apart from the motive, the artworks are rad as s*
Prabhu Menon
My soul is fed with this project but now my stomach is going nuts.
Jeremy Chee Mun Hoe
Creativity cum national identity. The Rojak Projek is definitely on point with that. Check em' out.
Cecillia Rejop
Hi The Rojak Project ..i m proud i m malaysian ..very unique country with many unique peoples and foods.
Thank you very much appreciated the works you done ..syabas dan selamat berjaya 🙏🙏🙏
Vanille Mar
What a wonderful project! Thank you for the documentary! Love from Bulgaria.
Normawati Bte Sawab
Yes.. the winning formula IS......Spread the LOVE!!! Embrace the unique DIVERSITY and Rejoice in UNITY!!! Yaayyy!!!!
Mary Scully-Davison
Thank you Drew Binsky for highlighting this message of unity from the beautiful place where I was born. I am a Malaysian, now living in the country where you were born.
Malaysian food always unites its people, that is true. Good job #therojakprojek!👍🏼.
Jom makan!
Deborah Grant
My sister was born in Malaysia, and I have happy memories from childhood. I love the diversity there so well done to this project for bringing people together! (Dublin)
Josephine Benjamin
Instead of calling the 4th confused (lain-lain) called them Mixed Malaysian The New Us....good job girls...
Stephen Douglas
What a beautiful project! It’s so nice to see it having a positive impact not only in Malaysia 🇲🇾 but across the world now like here in Canada 🇨🇦 where I’m viewing this. Wonderful!
@ mzhafis9581
Makanan buat kita happy..
tak percaya..see the tummy.
p/s: Malaysian food
art dari #therojakprojek
Anne Antah
I’m truly happy for Faye & Rachel that their Rojak Projek, finally recognised and applauded for their selfless effort to bridge the nations through food.
About 1 1/2 years ago, someone texted me late evening asking me about Sabah local food. She introduce herself as Faye Lim from KL; told me about her plan coming to KK to explore the food for her arts potrait. Last year, she came to KK around Kaamatan but I couldn't meet her, however I did my best to assist her to connect with the right people to introduce the local food.
The rest is history..
Connecting the diversities in Malaysia is not as easy as ABC but what you both did to learn about the other ethnicities especially in Sabah and Sarawak is truly amazing.
Sandra Lee
Hey The Rojak Projek! In US right now studying entrepreneurship and I talked about Rojak Projek in class, and I showed them the artwork and they all were like ‘Woahhhh’ and the professor was like ‘this is amazing, I need a minute to take this in’ 😂 Just wanted you to know that they loved it 👍
Su Ann
Wah makes me love Malaysia so much more! Our food is pretty amazing eh!
Karthini Mahendranathan
So much love for this! Am learning the names of some of the food I love but never learnt it's name. It's like the formalities were skipped and we jumped right in. 😁 keep up the good work!
Sonny Tzan
Extraodinary and we in Charlie's Cafe support this cause!
MAGistrate 杂志大人
Food as art looks almost too good to eat! Presenting one of our national favourite's rojak at its culinary and aesthetic best!
Satoshi Sakamoto
Quite a number of things I haven't tried yet! I wanna try it all to be a truly Malaysian!
Ryia Illani
Mak Kate makanan jgn dibuat main..but looking at a different perspective, this is soooo brilliant kind of art!!
Aiza Bahareman
Apabila kreativiti natural bergabung elok dgn otak yg digunakan sepenuh2nya...otak kita guna utk ape je?
C Jern Ken
Glad to see Malaysians utilizing their talents and spreading love via arts. Let's do something, stop ranting and give art a new meaning <3 Thanks The Rojak Projek, I'm hungry
Xiao Qing
You eat dy ar? Makan ke belum? Makan dy not? Sapede? Jiak pa boi? Sit bao mang? Eh makan... Jom, eat! ... These are common greetings between Malaysians (maybe generally SEA countries?) that starts with food.
I used to tell some of my friends in the States that we can ask any friend "Have you eaten yet?" at anytime of the day here in Msia and start a whole long conversation that can possibly involve stories of your uncle aunties on another planet, or merely a short one that tells you about this amazing chicken rice that he/she just ate but a bit pricey-lah.
I suppose it works the same as "How do you do?" because if someone ate, it means life is at least good because the tummy is happy. Malaysians share the equal love for food despite differences in backgrounds. Our strength lies in our differences, and with that comes endless possibilities. We don't shout a 1Msia slogan, it has always been a live-eat-sleep- 1Msia life long before the slogan. Kudos to the amazing team
MBO Cinemas
Being Malaysians ourselves, food is definitely a vital part of our life!
"These artworks are about showcasing not only the beauty in variety of Malaysian food but the message that our diversity is equally beautiful"- The Rojak Projek
Isaac Lim
The Rojak Projek do give them a look! Something on a more positive note instead of the majority of negative news we see on FB nowadays. May food unite us all!
Catherine Ong
A glimpse of just how Malaysians take unity and food seriously at the same time.