Hungry for our New Malaysia.
Malaysians are made up of regular people that have every possible shade of skin colour. We all belong to uncountable cultures and traditions… that’s just how different and diverse we are as a nation. People would think that the way to achieve unity among these differences is to be a colour-blind nation, however, we, THE ROJAK PROJEK, think otherwise.
THE ROJAK PROJEK believes that our colours, our incredibly vibrant diversity and culture should be fully embraced.
We have recently travelled around Malaysia within a year to complete 550 by food artworks by 2018 and a documentary of our journey around Malaysia entitled, “Rediscovering Each Other”.
During our travels , we were quick to realize the reality that we still do not know a lot about each other and our diverse cultures since the formation of our country 56 years ago. This led us to come up with a creative approach to promote the understanding of our Malaysian diversity.
*Rojak is a popular Malaysian savoury mixed fruit salad. The term is usually used as a local slang to mean ‘mixed’. It is often used to describe the multi-ethnic characters of Malaysian society.

THE ROJAK PROJEK is an initiative by TRP CREATIVES, a social enterprise that focuses on creating positive understanding and awareness in our unity, culture, and diversity through creativity.
Our Rojak
Vision & Mission
OUR VISION is to have Malaysians be truly proud of of who we are as COLOUR-EMBRACING citizens of this nation.
OUR MISSION is to unite Malaysia's diverse culture and proudly share this with the world.
WE BELIEVE that our stories are very much alive though increasingly buried under layers of negativity. Who we are as Malaysians doesn’t get seen in the spotlight enough, so this is our way of giving it the attention it deserves through art projects and events that speak of us, Malaysians.